A PYME is a small / medium-sized company in terms of volume of income, value of assets and number of workers. Usually they are companies from local entrepeneurs that produce an artisan, unique and carefully crafted product or service because they are not big national or international bussinesses. Most of these companies keep their content creation in-house, meaning that one employee simultaneously manages their social media profiles, answering dm’s and posting to keep them active. And if needed, they will outsource an ocassional photoshoot for having a back stock of photos to post, create ads, set up a menu, etc. So why should a PYME invest in a content marketing agency?

What is content marketing?

In simple words content marketing is a type of marketing strategy that focuses on creating a loyal retaining audience that will generate profit in the short and long term. Contrary to a normal type of marketing that seeks to create an inmediate reaction for profit, which usually is to sell a product, a content marketing agency will seek to attract, engage and retain a targeted audience. The approach is that besides brand awareness, we seek to establish expertise and customer loyalty so that besides putting your company as top of mind when it’s time to buy what you sell, your clients will always purchase from you and recommend your products, generating a bigger positive impact.

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

-Content Marketing Institute

Why should a PYME hire a content marketing agency?

Creates a loyal audience – content marketing is differenced because it seeks to retain an audience for a long term, this benefits a PYME because instead of building a one-time consuming client, through content marketing agency we will (besides trying to broaden the client list) retain them so they will keep purchasing your products or services for a long time.

Higher conversion rates – as mentioned before content marketing creates a loyal audience, meaning that our strategy doesn’t only seek to sell a product, but the concept behind it too. By doing this we like to position your company as knowledgeable and with the most expertise. We do this by different approaches such as a blog, educational content on social media or a youtube channel, etc. Through this, when a potential client sees all the content that supports your knowledge and certifies the product / service as the best, it will choose your services over another.

Saves money on the long term – a perfect example for this is the use of tools like SEO. This is an organic tool used to optimize and increase the number of visitors to your website, which helps save money on paid ads therefore saving money on the long term. Some companies have reported to save thousands of dollars on paid ads for their website and blog because of the use of SEO that generates an organic flow of visitors to the page per month.

If you are a PYME interested in working with us you can check out our website with the different packages we offer at MediaCenter to find the one that best suits your company’s needs -and wants. At MC.la we genuinely believe in the bigger impact of content marketing as a marketing strategy, and we hope to be able to transmit this to you. Because it certainly is the future of marketing, therefore being the safer and best bet!