In MediaCenter we believe in the power of joined minds and the abundance of creativity and ideas this can bring to the table, that is why we love our Seekers Program! By giving students and/or starting proffesionals the opportunity to work with us, we also make sure to give back all that they give to us by teaching soft skills such as leadership, communication, reliability and team work. We also teach valuable and professional abilities such as basic video editing and graphic design, use of WordPress and SEO, writting and publishing articles, and building landing pages for websites.
Benefits of an Internship in MediaCenter
Job & Research Experience
For a student or even a starting professional it is very important to gain experience. With an internship at MediaCenter you will gain lots of work environment experience, how to deal with deadlines, emerging tasks, team work, and more cool stuff such as brainstorming sessions and marketing strategy building sessions too.
Learning Useful Skills
Once you have entered the program we have an Onboarding month during which we teach you (if needed) the abilities to use basic Adobe Premiere and Adobe Ilustrator, setting up landing pages and writting articles with Avada WordPress, and how to create content with a good SEO in order to improve organic traffic to a webpage. After the Onboarding we will gradually encourage you to open new projects and lead them in order to teach you many more soft skills.
Develop Professional Aptitude & Personal Character
A good intership program not only takes into account the educational and employment aspects, but also personal growth too. Being a Seeker for MediaCenter will help you develop soft skills that will be useful in day to day life and other work environments. By encouraging open communication, creative liberty and strong leadership we want to get our Seekers ready in the best way for the competitive world.
Mentorship and Guided Career Goals
Our team is built of different individuals with a wide variety of skills and specialties that can provide a lot of guidance and mentorship when a career path needs to be built. Besides the available mentorship, we also have tasks in diverse areas of specialties allowing a heterogenous education and giving the Seeker the opportunity to try different things and learn what they would like to specialize in or what career path to take.

My internship at mediacenter impacted my professional career in a way that helped me see journalism from a different perspective. It also helped me to see other areas that can be exploited from my professional career such as creating content with specific topics and merging the marketing aspect with journalism. Asides that once finished my internship, I had learned so much that they granted me the opportunity to work with them in a permanent position!
Paula Bogantes, MediaCenter
Working an intership in MediaCenter can be a great opportunity for your career and one that if provided, you should take. We believe in the Seekers program and the benefits it gives to your ever-growing community of journalists, designers, producers, marketers, and many more professionals that can come and grow with us!